A Plan for Future Artistry

David Baker
5 min readOct 1, 2019
Photo by Vlah Dumitru on Unsplash

These days, the bulk of our problems are based on cultural foundations. Or rather, culture informs how we perceive the struggles of the day. Unfortunately at the time of writing, it seems that the Powers That Be are entrenching themselves through retrograde means; their bases support them unwaveringly, even as their unworthiness becomes increasingly self-evident. In other words, cults of nostalgia are enabling flagrant abuses of power.

Fixing these problems requires pitched, coordinated efforts worldwide. For the sake of this post, the creative types need to devise a plan for future artistry, to keep the forces of cultural malevolence at bay. Here is a tentative plan, submitted for your consideration.

Don’t Be Sentimental About The Past

Speaking as a history major, I know the importance of collective memory. Most of them contain the great old stories worth passing down the generations. But we have to be honest about how we remember those days gone by. Sure, acknowledge the good times, but also mention all the problematic elements that were only discovered via hindsight.

Why is this point the first? Well, that’s because some of the world’s best artistic creations came into existence. They were responses to the nostalgia-blinded cultural establishments of the time. The works of Jane Austen mocked the…



David Baker

A cosmopolitan cultural connoisseur. Striving to be equal parts movie buff and bookworm, blogger and scriptwriter. https://www.patreon.com/yourfavorite